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DataUtils is a class designed to load and save all data from or to a file (e.g. PlayerIO is based on it) and is frankly just a wrapper for Google's gson project, adding some Minecraft-related type adapters.

Simple setup

In the most simple way you save your object by just calling DataUtils.saveData(Object,Object Type,obj, String)Type objType, String filename).
The string is the filename where the data should be saved (a file object will be created based on the string).
The type object has to be the type of the Object to save. If your object has no generics you can use simply use your objects class for it, otherwise I recommend using new TypeToken<your object>(){}.getType(). The filename a string that will be handed over to a constructor. If the filename has no extension .json will be used as default.


List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<String>>(){}.getType();

// DataUtils.saveData(list, List.class, "testfile"); // WRONG - only use for objects without generics

DataUtils.saveData(list, listType, "testfile"); // CORRECT - will be saved to ./testfile.json


Adding your own TypeAdapters

If you want to save a class that can't be serialized (e.g. abstract classes) like a normal object (just fields) you have to write a TypeAdapter for it. You should inform yourself how to do that, here's a simple TypeAdapter:

public class UUIDTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<UUID> {
public void write(JsonWriter out, UUID value) throws IOException {
out.value(value.toString() + " (" + Utils.orDefault(PlayerUtils.getName(value), "unknown") + ')');

public UUID read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
return UUID.fromString(in.nextString().replaceFirst(" \\(.+\\)", "").replaceFirst("(\\w{8})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{12})", "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5"));

To use this TypeAdapter in conjunction with DataUtils you can use DataUtils.with(Collections.singletonMap(UUID.class, new UUIDTypeAdapter()). This returns you a DataUtils instance with additionally registered UUIDTypeAdapter.  DataUtils.with acctepts a Map with the Type as key and either TypeAdapter or TypeAdapterFactory (Also all other type adapters gson is supporting).

For easy mapping of multiple type adapters you can use, value, key, value, ...)