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Simple Commands

BaseIO simplifies command creation with the class SimpleCommand. Instead of implementing ICommand you extend SimpleCommand.

If you don't like the simplifications made by this feature just override the original method from ICommand.

This is what SimpleCommand can do for you:

  • Simple command names
    getCommandName() and getCommandAliases() are combined in commandNames() where the first command name is the actual command name and the others are aliases. Example:
  • public List<String> commandNames() {
    //return Collections.singletonList("name1");
    return Arrays.asList("name1", "name2", "name3");
  • localized/default command usage
    Provide a localization key in commandUsage() and it will be localized as described in Localization. Provide an invalid or no (null) localization key and SimpleCommand creates a default command usage for you based on the arguments.
  • redundancy removal
    isUsernameIndex and compareTo are removed.

  • Options
    You can define command options in getOptions(). Options are arguments starting with a hyphen that can be used at any position of the arguments. Additionally options might have arguments attached to themselves. When implemented, getOptions() must return a map with the option string as the key and a string array of potential option arguments, the elements describing the option argument at its index. If found, the options will be cut out of the argument array and added to the option set that will be passed to the run method you have to implement in your command.

  • @Override
    public void run(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args, Map<String, String[]> options) {
    System.out.println("Args: " + String.join(" ", args));
    for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> option: options.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Option " + option.getKey() + ": " + (option.getValue == null ? "null" : String.join(" ", option.getValue())));

    protected Map<String, String[]> getOptions() {
    //return Utils.mapKeys("opt1", "opt2", "opt3");
    return"opt1", new String[]{"oa1", "oa2"}, "opt2", null, "opt3", null);

     If now a player uses the command /mycommand arg1 arg2 -opt1 A B arg3 -opt3 the output would be:

    Args: arg1 arg2 arg3
    Option opt1: A B
    Option opt3: null
  • Tab Completion
    Tab completions can be defined by the return string in tabCompletions(). The syntax allowes highly configurable tab completions:
    1. The completions for each argument are seperated by a space.
    2. The different completions for an argument are seperated by a pipe ("|").
    3. Conditions for a completion are written in braces directly before it.
    4. If you have multiple completions for a condition you can seperate them by a comma instead of a pipe.
    Conditions are arguments that have to be typed anywhere before the completion. With that you are able to implement completely different tab completions based on the arguments the user used. See the example for usage.

  • comp1|comp2|comp3 => The completions "comp1","comp2" and "comp3" for the first argument

    compA compB1|compB2 compC => "compA" for the first, "compB1" and "compB2" for the second and "compC" for the third argument

    compA1|compA2 (compA1)compB1,compB2|compB3 => "compA1" and "compA2" for the first argument, "compB3" for the second argument, "compB1" and "compB2" only if argument 1 is "compA1".

    Variables are available for tab completions. They are defined by