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A ban entry may have multiple actions that will be executed when an item or block matches its criterias.


Removes the item or block from the world.

By default the player can keep the block or item that is banned (this is useful when an item is only banned in some dimensions).

MessageString messagePrints a message to the player.
Log-Logs the incident to the console
KickString kickMessageKicks the player from the server with the given message
BanString kickMessage, String banMessageBans a player from the server
ServerCommandString commandExecutes a command in a console point of view
PlayerCommandString commandExecutes a command in a player point of view

The command of ServerCommand and PlayerCommand has some patterns for the execution environment:

%pThe player name

The player's UUID with hypens

%idThe item id
%metaThe item meta / damage
%sizeThe item stack size
%dimThe dimension id of the incident